Friday, July 13, 2012

Well what can I say?! It has been entirely too long, and I am going to try and add things on the Blog as often as I can. There are social outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, and so I think the need to update this Blog slipped to the bottom of the priority list. I now have a renewed interest to upload current projects and link up blog posts with sewing interest sites I am following, so let's give blogging another shot! I can't promise I will do what I say (update often), but I will do better than going two years without posts! There is just way too much that has happened to try and fill in the time I missed, but let's hit the highlights. I have a daughter now that is 16 months old (not eight weeks in utero as listed in my previous post), and the house remodel is pretty much complete with the exception of piddly things we do all the time (And let me tell you it really is ALL THE TIME). I will update with sewing items I am working on, as well as yard and house projects that are ongoing. (NOTE TO SELF: Ok, this is wearing me out thinking of all these posts I am going to be writing...are you sure you want to do this...:0)

Here is Lucie Riley Jeffcoat who is soon to be the topic of many posts I am sure