Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rabbit Lovie and Baptism

This week I wanted to post the free motion appliqued rabbit lovie I had mentioned a few weeks ago. I finished it and Sara June has been sleeping with it about two weeks now. She really loves the taggies on the end of the blanket. I really think it is so cute!

Sara June was baptized this past Sunday ad she was beautiful! I made her these little shoes, but Mom found the vintage handmade dress and bonnet for her at an auction. It was so much fun and we were so glad for those who came to her ceremony.

Sara June Jeffcoat
dedicated on February 23rd, 2014

the great grandmother Sara June is named after

And last but not least here is my weekly Leah Day block. I really like the design wiggly pasta for a couple of reasons. it is easy to do, and it has a really great look to it! I love to do free motion instead of following the lines :0)

1 comment:

Muv said...

Hello Green Gardner,

Congratulations and hugs and kisses to Sara June on her baptism. She looks beautiful in her christening gown and bonnet. The little rabbit blanket you made for her is so sweet.

Love from England, Muv