Friday, May 15, 2009

Front Walkway

OK this looks a lot better! Not even in the same ballpark as the "deck" that was temporariy built on the front. I am so glad we decided to do the stamped concrete, it is so worth it. Everyday I just look at it and am so excited about it :0) Bryon and I planted one side of the beds, but this is no little feat. It took us from 8 in the morning until seven at night with a lunch break and quick trip to Lowes throw in there. There are Magnolia tree roots under there about as big as my leg, and we have to use an ax to dig most of the holes to plant. We put the gardening fabric under the soil, leveled it out with more topsoil and fertilizer (we are lucky to have cows around us that gives us this free) :0). I am picturing what it will look like when we are done...still have to put in irrigation, lighting, and possibly a water feature (or maybe an effect that will look like a water feature).

1 comment:

D. said...

It really looks good. Anyone that
works in the yard can understand the hard work that went into the completion.

Get it all done while you're young!!!!!!