We have done so much to the well house since my last post! I don't know where to start! We have since added an arbor/pergola...not sure which one to call it because it is not really big like a pergola, but it is larger than an arbor....hummmm....what do you think?
I loooovvveee it! I plan to paint it white this afternoon...stay tuned for updates! I think it looks so good with the flowers hanging from the front corners....I am going to stencil "la Casa de Flores" on the front...and that will be it's new name. I can't wait to see what it will look like....but that's the thing about outdoor flower gardens, they are never finished! I will probably be still adding on to it when I am 80! I plan to plant a Yellow Banks Rose on the corner nearest the house, and also plant a vine that will hopefully cover most of it one day. I am researching on the Internet exactly what I want I want to plant on it.....A Clematis in red, a Chinese Trumpet Creeper, a variety of morning glory, there are too many choices! I definitely want a shade of red, or perhaps yellow! Well, since I plan to plant the Yellow Banks Rose on the corner, there is my splash of yellow. Red will probably be the winner!
I always have a habit of looking at other people's flowers when I visit their house. I went to Brandon and Taylor's house this weekend and was talking to their neighbor Mary and Joe. They have a beautiful back yard and so many flowers including hibiscus, crepe myrtles, Mexican petunia, bougainvillea, variations of ivy, verbena, lantana, and so many other things. One plant in particular caught my eye: the Oleander. I loves the look of the leaves being long and slender, and the beautiful vibrant colors of the blooms, and really wanted to get me some. I took a small sampling home to root, only to find on the Internet through a Google search that it is highly poisonous to animals! OH NO! I have two adorable dogs and would be DEVASTATED if my love of gardening, but lack of plant knowledge killed them! I have it sitting in a glass jar on the window sill, but am seriously considering throwing it away. I am going to ask the vet if they know much about this plant. I would love to add it to my collection, but it is not worth the risk of my precious baby girls lives! I will update with more info...
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