When we bought our house in November 2007, the well house was not really a point of interest in the yard. The building, or should I say shed, was a small two room area that stored a lot of junk. The wood was unpainted and rotten in many areas. After living in our home almost a year, we began "working" on the well house. One day my husband came home from a USC baseball game and found me painting the front side of the building and said "why are you doing that the whole side is rotten". We began replacing boards, and then decided to add shakes to two sides. We added a half wall under the open breeze way area and then placed a piece of vinyl lattice at the top for my Clematis to climb up! We would also like to add a white vinyl fence on the right side, blocking in the back yard on that side. We have a small miniature dachshund and need to fence in an area for her to be able to run around and play. So many ideas, so ambitious! We are still far from being finished with our little project turned big project, and have so many ideas that we have added in since beginning the project a month ago. We have built vegetable platforms across the back of the building, and my husband wants to add an irrigation system that would be fed from a rain barrel. I will let you know how that goes when we get there :0) We still have the back side of the building to fix up, add shakes to, add Plexiglas windowpanes, and paint white. Also, the roof needs to be painted silver/grey because of the rust that has set in. I will upload a picture of what the structure currently looks like. We have so far to go, but we have come so far at the same time! Next time I will update you on the flowers (my favorite part)!
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