Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

This tree has been behind this barn for many years. It has always looked pretty when it blooms....kind of a purple lavender color. We had a dog pen sitting there behind the tree, but have since moved it since Eb died. Eb was a dog that passed through three owners, but ultimately dying of congestive heart failure. First my late Uncle Steffen owned him (a couple of years), then my late Grandma Lake and Pape Joe owned him (the longest amount of time), then Bryon and I owned him for a short time. I have a photo of him to upload. He was a big lab, and was very strong all the way up until the day he died. He liked to go for walks and would pull me behind him. We had to put him to sleep on the day of my Bridal Luncheon...it was so sad that Bryon and I both cried for him even though we knew he was old and probably wouldn't live long. Our little dog Bella did get to meet him and liked to play with him too.

The tree mentioned above has since died too, and no longer sits here at the base of this barn. I am glad I took a picture of it when I did because now it has been pulled up and burned. Termites had taken it over, and pulled the whole thing down to the ground. I am not sure how much longer it will be before the barn is behind it, considering it was one of the first structures on the property some 100+ years ago. It is sad to see the old things go. The things that I remember as far back as I can remeber. I know that we will put something new it it's place that one day will be old too, and our children or our children's children will look at it and think about when we first put it in.

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